Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Postmodern Humanism in David Mamet's ‘THE CRYPTOGRAM
Dr. M. Renuga, Dr. B. Kanchanamala,Dr. M. Saraswathy,
David Alan Mamet, a promising 20th Century American playwright,highlights the two most important aspects of postmodern humanism – the dichotomies of human person’s fundamental attitudes and victimization in ‘The Cryptogram’ (CG). The play delineates the shift in the parents'rudimentary frame of mind, especially the mother, toward their child and highlights the loss of credibility of parenthood. It also focuses on the negative impact the self-willed and authoritative nature of parents will have on children.This paper examines ‘The Cryptogram’ and affirms the need for nurturing humanism in families in this modern era
Postmodern humanism, victimization, authoritative attitude, parental responsibilities, psychological disorders
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