Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Preparation herbal beauty skin cream by slab method and their evaluation of physicochemical parameters
Ranganathan K, Muruganantham V
Cream is defined as semisolid emulsions which are oil in water (o/w) or water in oil (w/o) type and these semisolid emulsions are intended for external application. Numerous herbal plants are available naturally they having different chemical constituents used for various cosmetics preparations and also enhance the health and beauty of skin. Several literatures expressed already reported formulations are very few but no proper scientific validation. Based on the survey results indicated clinically practiced multipurpose skin care herbal creams have some adverse effects. As per the guidelines selected some herbs like neem, turmeric and carrot which are authenticated form BSI, Coimbatore. The neem, turmeric and carrot were separately extracted by shoxlet apparatus and filtered. Above ingredients were used for the preparation of cream by the help of slab method. After the preparation of different formulation (F1-F5) cream were evaluated some parameters such as washability, pH, phase separation, spreadability. From the above observation, it was found that formulation F1 and F2 of cream base obeys the all the specification given in standard for cream, Hence the trial F1 and F2 formulation is selected for further evaluation study and also augment the health and beauty of skin.
Cream, Emulsion, Skin, Scientific, Shoxlet Apparatus, Formulation, Health
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