Volume 19 No 12 (2021)
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Recent Advances in Green Approaches in Anlytical method development
Banothu Sunitha and Vasam Mallikarjun
Aquatic pollution and high usage of stock liquid and toxic solvents for analysis and validation of HPLC is a major concern in front of industry and chemists. Green analytical chemistry helps in overcoming those issues and providing benefits for the environment as well as analysis. In this paper, different aspects of the green approach in HPLC have been discussed, which helps in the sustainability of the environment. Green HPLC reduces the utilization of solvent and applications of safer and environmentally friendly methods in HPLC are maximized. Various drugs have been analysed by the green HPLC approach and it has benefitted in real-time analysis, faster analysis, lesser economy and less pollution. Solvents that should be used and should be avoided for green HPLC are listed on the paper. Novel mobile phases, Ionic Liquid, Super critical Fluids, micellar Liquid Chromatography, Ultra High-Performance Liquid chromatography (U-HPLC), elevated temperature, micro flow and capillary HPLC, short column with smaller particle size, core-shell particle, miniaturization of HPLC, Reversed Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography, Sequential Injection analysis are some of the approaches of green HPLC. This approach helps in the usage of less solvent stock, with solvent replacement, solvent reduction and solvent reuse method.
Green HPLC, Liquid Chromatography, U-HPLC, solvent reduction, Novel Solvents.
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