Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Report on Recovery Supports using Zoom during COVID-19 Lockdown in Vietnam
Ngan Ha Vu , Jody A.F. Goodwin
The Vietnam’s Methadone program initiated in 2008 has been a success in treating
and helping more than 52 thousand individuals who used heroin recover and be productive
members of family and community. The COVID-19 pandemic caused significant disruptions in
accessing all services due to strict lockdowns and interventions to improve treatment outcomes
are needed. Methods: We teamed up with the clinic counselor to do clinical counseling and
supervision using a Zoom application. Our work was among the six months that social distancing
was intensified in Vietnam due to the 4th wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, restricting all in
person activities. Results: Dai Dong methadone clinic is dispensing methadone for 267 patients
daily, contributing to 14% of all methadone patients (n=1,945) of the Nam Dinh Province. We
observed counseling sessions by the counselor for a total of 30 patients, scheduling three days
per week in June of the year 2021. Each session lasted for at least two hours, from 8.30-
10.30AM, on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Preparation with clinic leader, staff and patients
were crucial in the success of our work. Conclusion: Our summer experience confirms the
benefits of and how to use Zoom technology effectively for supporting the work counselor to
improve treatment and recovery for patients. Given the busy schedule and challenges often occur
when using technology, careful preparation would be critical
Addiction, Methadone, Recovery Supports, COVID-19 lockdown, Zoom
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