Volume 20 No 13 (2022)
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Bhupendra Dhakrey, Hari Om Sharan, C. S. Raghuvanshi
The city has started the transition to becoming a smart city in order to draw in new people and businesses, enhance resident quality of life, manage existing resources like roads and water in an economically sustainable manner, and minimise environmental pollution. The city, its citizens, tourists, and business and private entities with a presence in the city have all benefited from the transformation to a smart city. However, due to the interconnectedness of the OT (Operational Technology) and IT (Information Technology) infrastructures, there are now cyber security vulnerabilities. However, the increased connectivity and data sharing with intelligent machines and their software come with a significant risk of IT security issues; security for emerging IoT technologies must not be a development afterthought as the future of humanity and society will depend on it. Internet of Things (IoT) technologies offer new ways for businesses and governments to create value. Both traditional methods like malware, data manipulation, and DDOS as well as a variety of cyber attack tactics including remote execution and signal jamming can be used against smart cities. This article will provide a multilayered security strategy for protecting their smart city infrastructure and the data that goes along with it
Information security, IoT, data protection, smart cities, smart healthcare, software vulnerabilities
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