Volume 21 No 2 (2023)
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Self-Compacting Concrete: A Practical Exercise
Mateo Molina-Recalde , Fernando Molina-Granja
A self-compacting concrete - SCC, differs from other concretes due to its ability to flow, managing to fill
small spaces due to its weight, without having to vibrate the concrete. Being different from the other
concretes there is no standardized method worldwide for its development, the mixture design of an SCC is
based on a normal concrete mixture increasing the percentage of fine aggregate, therefore, the
relationship w / c (water/cement), and absorption varies. In most cases, it is necessary to add pozzolanic
and plasticizing materials. The objective of this work is to find, with laboratory tests, a mixture design for
an SCC that meets medium-high fluid parameters and low segregation. In this work, an analysis was not
carried out on the compressive strength of an SCC since they are normally used for prefabricated and not
for load elements. Each of the laboratories was carried out taking into consideration parameters of the
ACI MANUAL OF CONCRETE, ACI 237 R, and information provided by the teacher during the theoretical
and practical class. These recommendations indicate design parameters to meet for an SCC. To obtain the
required mixture design, eight tests were tested in the laboratory, which allowed us to adjust the mixture
design to obtain fluidity according to what is required and almost zero segregation, eliminating the least
effective until obtaining our final mixture design, obtaining as results the following: absorption: 6%,
density: 1.96, W/C: 0.51, using 97% cement and 3% fly-ash and to ensure correct fluidity, 0.6% plasticizer
was used according to the required guidelines.
self-compacting, Concrete, ACI, fluidity, mixture design.
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