Volume 20 No 12 (2022)
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Sentiment Analysis Techniques for Depression Detection from Micro-blogging Social Media Posts
Sayyed Usman Ahmed , Tameem Ahmad , Nesar Ahmad
In the last decade and so, the use of social media is becoming
a part of daily life, especially for the young generation; its’
use is at their fingertips. This extensive use of Social
Network Services (SNS) is generating a huge volume of data
by sharing thoughts in form of text, images, audio, and
videos. The activities done by individuals at these SNS
suggest many things about their personalities. Medical health
scientists are interested to analyze these activities to find out
the state of mind and depression disorders in human beings.
Sometimes this state of mental depression disorder (MDD)
can lead to a big loss. A timely evaluation can suggest
initiating preventive measures to avoid devastating
consequences. To support such people who are suffering
from depression disorder more congenial methods are needed
which can analyze and recognize such depressive activities.
In this work, various sentiment-based algorithms are applied
to detect depression signals from social media posts. A
comparative study is presented to evaluate the efficacy of
various standard machine learning algorithms in detecting
depression signals. We also applied some regression-based
techniques to study the barrier losses in machine learning
algorithms. It is found that the Support Vector Machine
(SVM) Classifier outperformed the other counterparts and
produced an average accuracy of 92 percent for classifying
suicidal (depressed) tweets from non-suicidal (Nondepressed) tweets.
Depression Detection, Emotion Analysis, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Social Network Analysis, Microblogging, Twitter, Mental Illness Detection, Natural Language Processing.
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