Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Share of own tax revenue and central taxes in Total tax revenue of Jammu and Kashmir- An empirical analysis
Mohd Aasif Bhat and Dr. N. Rajesh Kumar
Tax is a compulsory payment by the individual to the government and s a powerful tool to increase the income of a nation. This study tries to examine the share of own taxes and central taxes in the total tax revenue of Jammu and Kashmir. The study relies on the secondary sources of data from 2000-01 to 2019-20 collected from the Handbook of Statistics on Indian states and the financial accounts of Jammu and Kashmir. the statistical tools used in the study are percentages, descriptive statistics and Compound annual growth rates. The study concludes that the share of own tax revenue is progressive, but the share of central taxes are on an increasing trend, which clearly reveals the dependence of state on the centre.
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