Volume 21 No 3 (2023)
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G.Muli Naidu ,T.Phanimala , T.Srilatha
To ensure good power quality, multilevel inverters (MLIs) have emerged as the preferred option for lowand medium-power dc to ac energy conversion applications. In comparison to the traditional two-level
inverter, the MLIs have a number of advantages, less electromagnetic interference, including a lower
dv/dt, and the ability to handle greater voltage levels with equipment with a lower voltage rating.Due to
these qualities, they have become more popular in a range of industrial applications, including, but not
limited to, locomotives, mixers, marine propulsion, reactive power compensation, and renewable energy
power conversion. The need to produce a significant number of voltage levels while maintaining the
highest feasible level of circuit reliability served as the driving force behind this research project. As a
result, a new topology, the three phase T-Type converter, is built in this study by utilizing the
fundamental MLI configurations.
MLI, T-Type converter, dv/dt, THD, NPC, LC filter
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