Volume 20 No 22 (2022)
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Fitri Sri Rizki, Adhisty Kharisma Justicia , and Dani Suryaningrat
A new kind of forest of the pandanus ( Freycinetia sessiliflora Rizki ) is one species found in
the year 2015 on mount passi west Kalimantan. The researchers found the pandanus new
species that is very different from other pandanus. The results of skrinning phytochemical
leaves of the pandanus ( Freycinetia sessiliflora Rizki ) containing a compound of a metabolite
sekunder namely an alkaloid , flavonoid , terpenoid-steroid , saponin , phenol and tannin.
Based on secondary these compounds contained so done research to test the activity of the
pandanus extract bacteria Streptococcus mutans. Purpose of the study to find out how much
the inhibition of pandan extract on the growt of Streptococcus mutans bacteria.
Plant extracts pandanus in get maceration with a solvent use of ethanol to achieve a extract
will be used to test the activity of obstruent against bacteria Streptococcus mutans by using
the method discs kirby-bauer disk. Extract pandanus made in 5 concentration different the 5
% , 10 % , 15 % , 20 % and 25 %. Then it will be the measurement of clear zone formed about
paper discs .Analysis by anova data in one direction with the levels of trust 95 %.
Result shows that of a new kind of pandanus against bacteria Streptococcus mutans with an
average diameter obstruent concentration 5% of 10,86, mm the concentration of 10 % of
11,46, mm the concentration of 15 % of 11,8, mm the concentration of 20% of 12,24 mm
and the highest 25% of 12,9 mm.
reycinetia sessiliflora rizki , a new kind of pandanus extract, Streptococcus mutans
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