Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Ms. Shreya Mathur and Dr. Nima Jerrit John
In the current day and age, journalistic process is aided by multiple technological artifacts. These digital artifacts have redefined and reshaped the journalistic practice of sourcing, gathering and production of news. Advancement in technology have also led to changes on user end. Popularity of interactive tools on social media and apps, might change the way news is consumed and produced. Without Technological advancements journalism wouldn’t be the same. To understand this further, the research article assesses the influence of social media platforms on way news is produced and consumed. The article discusses the conceptual relationships between the multiple actors involved in journalism from Actor-Network theory perspective. The article attempts to explain the technological actants have transformed the journalistic practice of news sourcing and gathering. Telephonic interviews were conducted by the researcher to understand the altered journalistic practice due to advancement in technology. The article concludes with need of transformations in journalistic practice of news production.
Actor-network theory, journalism, technology, social media
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