Volume 20 No 16 (2022)
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Test Cultivation of Some Genotypes of Tomato Plant in Southern Iraq Under Salt Stress Conditions
Abdul Baset Muhammad Mahdi , Nawal Mahdi Hammood , Aphrodite Abdul Razzaq Salih
The field experiment was conducted in one of the greenhouses of Al-Fares Agricultural Company in Al-Rafidah area of Al-Zubair
district during season 2021-2020 with the aim of testing the salt tolerance with three concentrations of 3 dSm-1-NaCl (the
comparison treatment) and 6 and 9 DS.m-1-NaCl, for five tomato genotypes (Black de Barra, Chalasanta, Black Prince, Son of the
Tiger, and Red Flora) Randomize Complete Block Design (R.C.B.D) was used for a two-factor factorial experiment, a one-time Split
Plot Design, and with three replicates. The averages of the treatments were compared according to the least significant difference
test at a probability level of 0.05, and the results were as follows: Irrigation at a concentration of 3 DS.m-1NaCl (control treatment)
led to a significant increase in most of the traits under study, while irrigation with both concentrations of 6 and 9 dSm1-NaCl led
to a significant decrease in stem diameter (cm), total number of leaves and leaves area of the plant (64.73 and 59.08 dm2) And the
fresh weight (kg) and dry weight (gm) of the plant, and in each of the total chlorophyll (mg 100 g -1 fresh weight), total soluble
carbohydrates (mg g -1 dry weight), nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (%) in the leaves, as well as in the number of
inflorescences and the total number of flowers plant 89.80 and 82.53 flowers), flower drop (%),In the total number of fruits of the
plant (53.60 and 47.74 fruits), the weight of the fruit (65.13 and 50.70 g), the yields of the early plant 1.147) and 0.718 kg), the
total (1.147 and 0.718 kg), and in the dry matter (%) and vitamin C (mg 100 g -1 fresh weight) with fruits. Irrigation at a
concentration of 6 dSm1-NaCl led to a significant increase in the total neutralizing acidity of the fruits (0.496%). Whereas,
irrigation with a concentration of 9 dSm1NaCl led to a significant increase in the concentration of sodium (0.725%), chloride
(6.88%) and proline (1865 µg g-1 dry weight) in leaves, and total soluble solids in fruits (7.307%).The genotypes differed in their
response to saline concentrations, as the plants of the cultivar Black de Para excelled in the fresh weight of the plant (kg), and in
each of sodium and chloride (%) in leaves, and in the number of flowers (107.45 flowers) and fruits (72.92 fruits) in total, and the
yield of the early plant 1.262 kg), and the dry matter in fruits (%).The plants of the Gala Santa cultivar were excelled in potassium
in leaves (%), while the plants of the tiger cultivar were excelled in total chlorophyll (mg 100 g-1-fresh weight) and nitrogen (%)
in leaves, and in the weight of the fruit (77.06 g). The total yield of one plant was (4.317 kg), and the hybrid Red Flora plants
showed a significant excelled in the concentration of proline in leaves (1243 μg g-1-dry weight) and in the planted fruits (74.67%)
and a decrease in the percentage of precipitation in flowers (25.95%). The genotypes under study excelled each other with the
exception of the cultivar Black de Barra in plant height (cm), and the genotypes except for the cultivar Ibn al-Nimr showed a
significant excel in the dry weight of the plant (gm), while the cultivars of Gala Santa, Ibn al-Nimr and Black de Para were superior
in the number of inflorescences of the plant. The plants of the Black Prince cultivar and the hybrid Red Flora were superior in
stem diameter (cm), and the hybrid was excelled on the Gala Santa cultivar in the number of leaves and the leaf area of the plant
(dm2), and the hybrid excelled with the Ibn Al-Nimr cultivar in phosphorous in leaves (%), Also, plants of the two cultivars, Gala
Santa and Black Prince, were superior in total soluble carbohydrates in leaves (mg g-1-dry weight) and in the total neutralizable
acidity of fruits (%), the plants of the two cultivars Black de Para and Black Prince were excelled in total soluble solids in fruits
(%), and plants of the cultivar Black de para and tiger's son in vitamin C concentration in fruits (mg 100 g -1fresh weight). The
bi-interaction of salt concentrations and genotypes significantly affected most of the traits under study
Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L., Salt Stress Conditions
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