Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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The Answer to the Seven Doubts of the Satan in al–Melal wa al-Nehal1 based on Transcendent Wisdom
Ghodsie Akbari
The issue under consideration in this article is the objections of Satan, which have been raised in seven titles
in order to question the divine wisdom in his actions, and of course they can be considered as the basis for
the infidels' doubts about the existence of the divine sanctuary and his perfect attributes which arise on the
basis of evil obsession.
As for the present writing, by searching in Quranic verses and hadiths of the infallibles (AS), as well as the
opinions of philosophers and theologians on the issues raised, it first deals with the brief answer of God to
Satan in the form of non-questioning of the god by the servants.
And then he has given detailed answers to each doubt in terms of the origin of their origin, and finally leads
to the conclusion that everything that God has embedded in the creation of beings, including human and the
devil (goblins), including free will, power of reason, divine nature. , The merciful inspirations and even in the
opposite point of the presence of evil obsession and temptation and the like, are all derived from the wisdom
and purposefulness of the divine creation and the suspicions of Satan and his followers from the atheists can
not harm it.
Satan, wisdom of creation, divine duty, respite from sin
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