Volume 18 No 9 (2020)
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The Effect of Magnetic Treated Water and Foliar Nanofertilizer on the Active Ingredient of Fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum)
Samah Saleh Al-shybany, Fadhil K. Alibraheemi
Afak district center of Al-Diwaniyah Governorate was chosen as a site for carrying out the study during the growing season 2018-2019 corresponding to 11/15/2018 using the method of cultivating potatoes for fenugreek seeds with the aim of determining the effect of magnetic treated irrigation water with differenttensiones (0, 750, 1500, and 3000) guass and spraying concentrations of foliarnanofertilizer(0) and recommended (1) and twice the recom mended (2)) g. L-1. In the indicators of the active substance of fenugreek plant, fenugreek seeds were sown in pots, at the rate of 10 seeds per pot, on 15/11/2018. After five days had passed, the germination was obtained at 100% for all the seeds sowing, and then watering operations for fenugreek plants with magnetic treated water were applied according to the strengths to be tested hidden Forced to treat irrigation water one month after the date of planting. Fenugreek plants were also sprayed with different concentrations of foliar nanofertilizer for the first time on 25/12/2018 and the second time on 15/1/2019.
Fenugreek, Magnetic Treated Water, Nanofertilizer.
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