Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Production in a Particular Region or Country
Dr Pardeep Rathee
One of the reasons why the issue of the impact of climate change on agricultural productivity is becoming a topic of great concern is because rising temperatures and shifting patterns of rainfall may have a considerable influence on crop yields and food security. This is one of the reasons why the issue of the impact of climate change on agricultural productivity is becoming a topic of great concern. Several areas of the globe might see their food yields decrease as a direct result of climate change, according to research studies that have been conducted. The Mediterranean, parts of southern Africa, and South Asia are all included in these areas. New crop types and different management practises will need to be used by farmers if they want to remain profitable in the face of a changing environment. Not only will significant money need to be spent in research and development, but agricultural regulations and practises on both the national and international levels will also need to undergo significant transformations in order to adapt to these developments
climate change, agricultural production, crop yields, food security, rising temperatures
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