Volume 17 No 5 (2019)
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The Physiology of Incarnation Process; Lessons from Pre-birth Experiences and Reincarnation-type Cases
James Paul Pandarakalam
Subjective sciences fail the cast iron scientific test of replicability and struggle to get acclaimed by the mainstream
sciences; many of the parapsychologcal concepts fall into this group. The ensoulment process has significance in the
ethical discussion of such diverse matters as induced abortion and embryonic stem-cell research. The most dynamic
phenomenon in human physiology is the incarnation process, which distinguishes human beings from the rest of the
animal kingdom even though the scientific evidence for the actual incarnation process may be admittedly fragmentary.
A cluster of paranormal phenomena may be associated with it, such as telepathy, tele-somatic features, announcing
dreams – those which convey information about the child a woman is carrying or going to be and apparitional
experiences. Study of the incarnation process would be a valuable contribution to the embryonic and developmental
physiology where such a phenomenon is not currently even thought about. This paper is an attempt to unravel the
para-physics and physiology of the incarnation process gathering information from reincarnation type cases and
pre-birth experiences. It also contests the ultra-reductionist views developing in particle physics. If near death
experiences probably indicate where we go after physical extinction, pre-birth experiences hint us about our roots
and the beginning of our spiritual evolution. Reincarnation may be only a scientific idea and not a scientific truth, but
theoretical speculations presented in this paper may help to link neuroquantology with physiology and bring about
further progress in this research arena
incarnation; reincarnation; intermission memories; consciousness; discarnate survival; tele-somatic influence
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