Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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The Role of Innovation on Distributing Knowledge Management and Talent Management on SME’s Performance
Roswiyanti, Saymsu Alam, Muhammad Asdar and Nuraeni Kadir
Currently, innovation is very important factor for the business world to continue to exist and compete in an increasingly dynamic industrial environment, organizations have an interest in managing their knowledge and talents and how to make an innovative culture as a tool to distribute these two factors to achieve the best performance. Starting from this argument this study aims to analyze the role of innovation on distributing knowledge management and talent management to increase performance. Data collection in this study was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 200 SME's Business Actors in South Sulawesi as a respondent. Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis was used as data analysis. This study indicates that knowledge management and talent management directly has a positive and significant effect to performance, knowledge management and talent management also directly has a positive and significant effect on innovation, innovation has a positive and significant effect to performance, this research result also indicated indirectly knowledge management and talent management has a positive and significant effect to performance through innovation.
Knowledge Management, Talent Management,Innovation, Performance
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