Volume 21 No 6 (2023)
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The aim of the present study was to evaluate ultrasound findings in patients with symptoms of peripheral neuropathy
Dr. Prashant Vekariya, Dr. Bhartan Kharadee, Dr. Kintan Engineer, Dr. Mounika Bai Bukke
Methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Radio-diagnosis, Baroda Medical College & SSG
Hospital, Vadodara from Dec 2021 to Nov 2022. All patients presented with complaints of neuropathy were
included in the study. 30 patients were included in the study.
Results: In a group ≤ 20 year we have only 2 patients which comprises of 6.67%, in 21–40-year age group we have
9 (30%) patients. 41-60 year’ group is having maximum number of patients of peripheral neuropathy which is 16
(53.33%). In an age group > 60 we have 3 (10%) patients. There were 22(73%) of male and 8(27%) of female
patients out of 30 patients. Most nerves, 34 (55.7%) had maximum thickness of 3-5 mm. 18 (29.5%) nerves had 1-
2 mm, 5-7 mm in 9 (14.75 %) nerves > 5 mm thickness observed. Maximum nerve circumference of 21 (34.42%)
nerve was 0-10 mm, 32 (41.93%) had circumference of >10-20 mm in >20-30 mm group 5 (8.19%) nerves
included, >30 mm was seen in 3 (4.91%) nerves. In majority (73%) of patients, neuritis was found as a radiological
diagnosis. Only 2 (6.7%) patients cystic degeneration with changes of neuritis seen and only 1 (3.3%) patient was
diagnosed with Epineural cystic degeneration.
Conclusion: The mean (SD) age of patients with peripheral neuropathy was 44.76 (13.66) year. Peripheral
neuropathy was more common in males as compared to females in this study. The most common presenting
clinical presentation was burning sensation followed by a pain in the peripheral neuropathy. The comorbid
condition increases the chances of the occurrence of peripheral neuropathy. US has the advantage of excellent
resolution of superficial nerves and the dynamic nature of image acquisition makes it a natural fit for
neuromuscular and electrodiagnostic clinics.
Ultrasound, peripheral neuropathy
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