Volume 20 No 7 (2022)
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The comparative study of the conductance and total dissolved solids of tap water in Prithwi Narayan Campus coming from Murdy river and Kiwi mineral water supplied in Pokhara Valley.
Tarun Kant Jha, Praveen Chandra Jha, Mamta Bhardwaj
The two major chemical tests of tap water coming directly from Murdyriver at P.N.campus
Q.No.33 were tested. The parameters were conductance of water and the total dissolved solids in water.
The same tests of Kiwi mineral water were done and compared between them.The conductance
measurement and total dissolved solids tests were done by a standard E-1 portable TDS & EC meter made
in India. It has high performance design with fast numerical display and accurate result. Its full measure
range capacity of conductance is 0 to 9999 µs/cm at temperature range 1-800 C.
Aquaculture, binary, Conductance, hydroelectricity, total dissolved solids,
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