Volume 20 No 12 (2022)
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The effect of the leaching process on the kinetics of magnesium dissolution for soils of different use
Roaa Raad Ghanim and Abd Alkader A. Alhadede
The study was conducted to describe the behavioral processes that liberate magnesium as a result of its dissolution from salts and minerals carrying it in unconsulted natural soil columns. Not exploited agriculturally ("abandoned") and leached with different types of water (distilled water, river water, well water) and for six porous volumes by the method of continuous and intermittent leaching, The results showed an increase in the amount of magnesium liberated from the process of dissolving salts and minerals and supplying the equilibrium solution with the duration of water flow through the soil columns by increasing the ionic strength, as well water outperformed the rest of the used water types, and the intermittent leaching treatment showed more liberation than the continuous leaching factor, as the amount of magnesium reached The liberated from dissolution by continuous leaching was (0.042-1.872) cmol kg-1 of soil in the site of the abandoned soil, while it reached (0.032-3.282) cmol kg-1 of soil by intermittent leaching in the site of soil treated with well water, The mathematical description of the liberation process showed the presence of two paths controlling the dissolution process, the first being a rapid reaction representing the easy-to-dissolve salts, and the second in which the dissolution paths were consecutive and took a straight shape representing the liberation from the melting of the metal. And the force function equation, The Elovich equation showed the lowest value of the melt speed coefficient, which reached (47.0 and 17.0) cmol kg-1 min-1 in the abandoned soil treated with distilled water by the continuous and intermittent leaching method, respectively, while the highest value of the melt speed coefficient reached (9877.0-4880.0) cm kg-1 min-1 at the site of vegetable soil treated with well water by continuous and intermittent leaching method, respectively
Magnesium, Leaching, Continuous, Discontinuous
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