Volume 20 No 20 (2022)
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Using Hierarchical Object Oriented Timed Colored 1162 Petri Nets for Design Radar Display
Dr. Qaysar S. Mahdi
In this work the hierarchical Colored Petri Nets Program Language is used to model and simulate the radar display. The targets are built using object oriented idea, thus a class is being built for the targets so that each target is made as an object which belongs to the same class. As each object is created it is made as a thread so that the objects are made to operate concurrently, in addition the radar monitor is created as a thread so that it operates concurrently with the objects (targets). A system called Simulated Radar Monitor using hierarchical object oriented timed Colored Petri Nets (SRMCPN) is built. This system is implemented under windows environment using Borland C++ programing language is executed on a Pentium 3 processor with clock of 1 GHz. In this work the radar display is designed and the radar performance is improved with optimized advantageous such as the object oriented concept, timing concept, concurrency concept, and dynamic concept. The simulated radar display is built using Hierarchical Object Oriented Timed Colored Petri Nets. This model is built to show the CPN capabilities to represent time and concurrency
Concurrency, Dynamic, Petri Nets, Program, Radar
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