Volume 20 No 12 (2022)
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Zainiddin Mahmud ibn Abdujalil Wasifi
Samadov Muhiddin Ahadovich
Wasifi's real name is Zainiddin Mahmud ibn Abdujalil \1485-1566y\. The famous writer who lived in Tashkent for a long time was born in Khirot in a Munshi family. He mastered Arabic language literature, jurisprudence and other knowledge. Until 1511, when he studied at Shahrukh madrasa in Khirat, he was a secretary to Faridun Husain, the son of Husain Boykara, and tutored his other sons. Wasify escaped from the persecution of Shah Ismail Safavi in Khirat and went to Movarounnahr, he was in Samarkand and Bukhara.\1512-15 y\. From 1515 he lived in the villages of Farqat \now Parkent\ and Nomdanak in the Tashkent region. Then Baraqkhan Navroz Ahmadkhan, the youngest son of Tashkent governor Suyunchhoja, was appointed as a tutor.
writer, literature, poet, spirit, method, history
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