Volume 20 No 22 (2022)
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Gandhian Philosophy and Consciousness of Non-Violence
Dr. Raghvendra Yadav
Truth and nonviolence are as old as the hills.Non-violence contains a universal applicabilityand it was
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who unequivocally established it in the modern world ravaged by wars.
His philosophy saw no difference between truth and ahimsa or rather found it inseparable. Ahimsa for
him was the means, and truth, the end. Thus, the only way to realise the truth, i.e. the god was the way
of non-violence. In fact, realising this truth as god was the ultimate purpose of life. The essence of his
arguments is that one must try to practice non-violence in thoughts, words and deeds and to organize
all life activities on its basis. This would, in a way, bring in unprecedented and revolutionary changes in
human life.
Truth, Violence, Ahimsa, Philosophy, Humanity, God.
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