Volume 17 No 7 (2019)
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Unified Physics and the Entanglement Nexus of Awareness
William Brown
An analysis is made of the correlation between internal processes of the neurobiological system, which ostensibly
generate the subjective qualia of experiential awareness, and the external environment which is comprised of
objective phenomena. We describe a mechanism of vacuum-state correlation of quanta in the neurobiological system
with spatially and/or temporally separated systems, resulting in a co-dependency of states. This is evaluated in the
context of how strong correlation of the dipole moments (of charge and spin) of residues in biological polymers, such
as deoxyribonucleic acid and microtubulin, are involved in the information processing of awareness, particularly
memory, and are entangled across spatial and temporal domains (spacetime). Coherent electromagnetic emissions
from both water nanostructures and associated biomolecules may modulate the electronic properties and thus
behaviors of supramolecular systems, representing a significant signaling and regulatory mechanism functioning
in tandem to the strong correlation of the spin and electromagnetic dipoles of polarizable structures in biological
macromolecules. Strong coherence across macromolecular structures of the biological system and extension through
spacetime via entanglement resolves the binding problem associated with the generation of conscious awareness by
the brain, as it is not only the result of supposed computational activity of neuronal networks, but the integration of
information from multiple reference frames across the entanglement network of spacetime. The entanglement nexus
of spacetime, herein referred to as the unified spacememory network, emerges as a component of some of the recent
elaborations of quantum spacetime architecture in the holographic mass solution to quantum gravity and unification.
This is taken in consideration with the Susskind-Maldacena conformal field theory holographic equivalence conjecture
that demonstrates the correspondence of micro-wormholes of Planck-scale dimension with quantum entanglement,
resolving the information loss paradox and providing a physical and ontological explanation for nonlocality observed
in quantum behavior. Together, these concepts describe an architecture of spacetime that is built from information and
quantum entanglement through a micro-wormhole network. Applying this model of unified physics to the question of
consciousness it is shown how the unified spacememory network is pivotal to engendering fundamental characteristics
of awareness that are actively utilized in the macromolecular information systems of the biological organism
entanglement, quantum spacetime geometry, microtubulin, consciousness, quantum brain biology, ontology of awareness, memory, spacememory
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